Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Tee Time - Fivesome - 08:50 AM

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Principle #1: Torque

The winding and unwinding process, in which the hips and abdominal muscles move forward toward the target as the upper body completes the backswing, provides a great deal of energy to the swing. It's what biomechanics call disassociation. You lose power and leverage when you start down with the upper and lower body moving together -- association -- and throw the club from the top (right). Try this: Put a club behind your shoulders while down on your knees. Turn back and then start forward with a short movement of your hips and abs while resisting the urge to unwind the shoulders too early. You'll feel how powerful real torque is.


Principle #2: In sync

The two big components in the swing -- the turning body and the swinging of the arms, hands and club -- must be synchronized, especially through impact. If the body gets too far ahead of the club or the club outraces the body on the downswing, power and consistency will be lost. Call it timing or rhythm or sequencing, this prerequisite is the reason you can feel like you own your swing one day, and can't find it the next. To feel how the body and arms blend together, practice the above drill with your eyes closed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


"When it was all said and done, more was said than done."
- Brother Law
Kid Blast's Consecutive DVGA Tour Victory Streak extends to 4 as he attempts to break his own record of 22 consecutive wins.

Brother Skill, obviously, won the DVGA Best Outfit award. As soon as Ross Dress For Less has that sale I'm coming for that title too.

Combined with a strong mental game, Mark "Left Hand Low" P is normally rock solid from 6 feet to the cup. Sunday at Balboa proved to be an exception. 4 footers short. 3 footers long. 2 footers lipped out. When the smoke cleared P had at least 9 strokes on his card, that would not have been there on any other day.

Brother Bob "Cavity Back" Mack must have pissed Lady Luck off. She aint fucking with him no more. However, quiet as it's kept, his swing is looking more like, well ... an actual swing. In the past his T shots looked like he was an epileptic on methamphetamines laced with crack and cayenne pepper. Bob hit so many trees the squirrels started throwing nuts at him. I've got one word for you Cavity Back: REVERSE WEIGHT SHIFT. Thank God Brother Bob's putting is coming around. Not a single 3 putt the entire round. Big ups for that. Wish I could say the same for my game.

Brother Skill aka "Ka Boom", has been wounded for the past several rounds. After getting the "OK" from his chiropractor, Skill was attacked by a shelf in his garage further exacerbating his shoulder injury. It showed in the T Box. Long and right. Short and left. Then .... Ka Boom! 315 yards chip onto the green. However, trouble off the T has never stopped Skill in the past. My man normally gets out of more trouble than Houdini. The only cat in the DVGA with a private putting green on his estate, Skill typically sinks 15 footers like they were tap ins. On some days he would stroke the ball, bop off the green and be in his cart before the ball dropped in the cup. They weren't dropping like that this Sunday which explains the 5 or 6 extra strokes on his card.

Kid Blast aka The Peoples Champ. A picture speaks a thousand words.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Thursday, February 22, 2007


Swing around your pivot point.

On half-wedge shots, a stable pivot point (the imaginary line your swing rotates around) will help you make more solid contact, which is the key to gaining touch and feel--and hitting it close. Start with your weight left at address and make your left leg the fixed pivot point (see photo above), turning around it as you swing back and through. You don't need a big weight shift when pitching, because you don't need much speed.


BALBOA 18 - 9:04AM

Sunny 65° 10% chance of showers in morning.

" Skillz in, bring the noise boys because I will be puttin and swinging my ass off."
- DPHenry

"I'm about to embark on another one of my 'unbeaten' streaks. Like Tiger. I think my record is like 22 or 23 DVGA victories in a row. I'm 3 deep on my current run."
- Kid Blast

Thursday, February 15, 2007

GOLF - Penmar Sunday 10: 04

Who is in?


Wind: SSE 9 mph
Max. Humidity: 55%
UV Index: 4 Moderate

Sunrise: 6:35 AM PT
Avg. High: 64°F
Record High: 80°F (1981)

DVGA Golf Tip of The Day

In the ideal setup, the nose, sternum and spine should be perfectly aligned. This relationship serves three important functions. First, it ensures that your spine is straight, which increases mobility and prevents injury. Second, it tilts your spine so the top is slightly away from the target, which pre-sets the correct weight transfer in the backswing. Third, it prevents the upper body from turning too early in the takeaway, a fault that throws off the swing�s timing from the start. Swing plane

The correct swing plane is, simply stated, the most direct route from address to impact. The farther the club veers off this route, the less efficient the swing. To check your backswing plane, make sure the butt end of the grip tracks down an extension of the target line. Use my "line of fire" image, and picture a laser torching that line.


If you move the club in sync with your body action, the club should feel as light as a feather. Set your wrists going back, release them coming down and re-set them on the other side. Do this, and you'll release the club throughout the downswing, not just at impact.

Squat hits
To maximize torque in the backswing, imagine your lower legs are giant springs. Increase your knee flex by 50 percent going back, feeling the stretch between your legs and torso.

Release the springs to get a power burst through the ball. Hit balls this way for a great leg workout.

It's impossible to stay focused for an entire round of golf. Instead, limit your concentration on any one shot to a few steps before and after the ball, starting with a physical trigger to cue your focus and ending with mental closure to the shot.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Final Round of Dolemite Classic

We Overdue

Brother Law is trying to get the show back on the road. Kid Blaze agrees with Law that Arizona is the spot. Good golf, cheaper than Vegas and Phoenix aint a bad town. (wonder if we can get Suns tickets)? Who's interested? Proposed dates?

Monday, February 12, 2007


Sixth hole, Penmar. 210 yards from the rough. Slade hits a piercing 3 iron, low trajectory, 3 yard tight draw. Titelist Pro Vx bounces on fairway once, rolls 35 feet on green and disappears."

Skill: "Nice shot Slade. What was that a 3 iron or 3 wood?" That was an iron. "Nice shot."

Blaze: "Good shit Slade. Your ass need to be on tour."

(Bob Mac was off in the woods looking for his Noodle)

Slade "Thanks man. It felt good. I caught it nice. I don't see the ball though. Did it stop on the green or did it run through?"

Skill: "With your lucky ass, it might of went in the hole."

Brother Lee walks up ahead onto the green. He slows down at the flag looks down, does an about face and walks off.

Kid Blaze "Slade. Go home nigga! Go home. Don't play no motherfucking more."

Slade "Come on Lee ... did it go in for real? Don't play with my feelings." Blaze "You heard me nigga. Go home! I aint playin with you no more."

Aint this a bitch? Eagle

That shot put me back to par. I had two punk ass bogeys on relatively short putts before that. I parred 7,8 and 9 to finish with a 33. Even par but 1 short of Brother Skills DVGA Club Record for Penmar of 32. (I'm on your heels Skill)

Skill showed his ass off on the putting green after taking a 3 month Hiatus. Sunk about 5 15 foot putts. Called each one of them before the stroke.

Brother Lee hasn't 3 putted in over 10 rounds. When he gets the sway out of his swing he's going to be a threat.

Brother Bob ... Brother Bob ... Brother Bob. After a couple of weeks of jive ass ties, near misses and maybe even a "win" - Brother Bob was hit square in the head with a reality check. A 14 stroke ass whipping on a 9 hole course. The universe is back in harmony.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


"P! I got $5 on this putt!"

Bob always trying to wrangle somebody into a bad bet.

Like Father Like Son

Saturday, February 10, 2007