Monday, February 12, 2007


Sixth hole, Penmar. 210 yards from the rough. Slade hits a piercing 3 iron, low trajectory, 3 yard tight draw. Titelist Pro Vx bounces on fairway once, rolls 35 feet on green and disappears."

Skill: "Nice shot Slade. What was that a 3 iron or 3 wood?" That was an iron. "Nice shot."

Blaze: "Good shit Slade. Your ass need to be on tour."

(Bob Mac was off in the woods looking for his Noodle)

Slade "Thanks man. It felt good. I caught it nice. I don't see the ball though. Did it stop on the green or did it run through?"

Skill: "With your lucky ass, it might of went in the hole."

Brother Lee walks up ahead onto the green. He slows down at the flag looks down, does an about face and walks off.

Kid Blaze "Slade. Go home nigga! Go home. Don't play no motherfucking more."

Slade "Come on Lee ... did it go in for real? Don't play with my feelings." Blaze "You heard me nigga. Go home! I aint playin with you no more."

Aint this a bitch? Eagle

That shot put me back to par. I had two punk ass bogeys on relatively short putts before that. I parred 7,8 and 9 to finish with a 33. Even par but 1 short of Brother Skills DVGA Club Record for Penmar of 32. (I'm on your heels Skill)

Skill showed his ass off on the putting green after taking a 3 month Hiatus. Sunk about 5 15 foot putts. Called each one of them before the stroke.

Brother Lee hasn't 3 putted in over 10 rounds. When he gets the sway out of his swing he's going to be a threat.

Brother Bob ... Brother Bob ... Brother Bob. After a couple of weeks of jive ass ties, near misses and maybe even a "win" - Brother Bob was hit square in the head with a reality check. A 14 stroke ass whipping on a 9 hole course. The universe is back in harmony.


LAW said...

Nice! It's good to see the brothers playing around. Call me when play time is over! Can we please step it up a bit and get away from the Penmars and Westchesters. I'm thinking Vegas or Arizona. Does Chris Mills still have the trophey?

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Law!

That's what I'm talking about. Time for some Big Boy Golf. I'd down for Vegas. Skill got a partner there with some course hook ups.

After the All Star game, they may be tired of Negro's though.

Yeah. Chris still has the trophy I am ashamed to say.

LAW said...

That trophey has got my name all over it! Beautiful!! Arizona is a lot cheaper than Vegas. $75-125 for a top course vs. Vegas at $225-500.